Go Far Consulting has become experts at working with Attorneys and has brought significant improvements into the challenging everyday working life of attorneys and their staff.
Our business is designed to help law firms and solo practitioners grow and manage their practices so that the attorneys can focus on practicing law.
In an environment where time equals money, every moment counts. By being efficient and effective with how we work, billable hours can be improved upon considerably. Focusing efforts in the right direction is key, as they say work smarter, not harder. Through planning, delegation and time management several hours a week of billable hours can be improved upon.
Increasing by just 1 billable hour a week at a billable rate of $250 = $13,000 per annum of increased revenue and at $350/hour = $18,200.
Increasing by 1 billable hour each working weekday at a billable rate of $250 = $65,000 per annum of increased revenue and at $350/hour = $91,000.
Now that is worth looking at!