Partnerships can be a blessing and a curse. Having a partner or two alleviates the burden of one person taking up all the tasks and decisions to run a business. However, each person also has their own personalities and methods. These can often cause clashes between individuals for many reasons. Such disagreements can create roadblocks to businesses moving forward or succeeding.
Have a future forward strategy
We work regularly with business partners to identify the unique challenges and personality differences. With leadership coaching and DISC assessments a future forward strategy can begin. We have proven steps to create strong communication channels to help a partnership move past these difficulties and develop a good foundation of business planning to grow the business.
Within a partnership, it is common to feel frustrated or detached from the business and employees. Executive coaching and DISC assessments can bring a different perspective, inspire enthusiasm, and bring motivation as well as cohesiveness.
The 4 M formular of Method, Management, Momentum & Money builds a strategy for leadership, of cohesiveness, collaboration and trust among partners that are willing to step forward and work together.
6 Common themes that leadership and executive coaching can resolve:
⦁ I’m frustrated with my business partner because …
⦁ I wish our partners would stop doing …
⦁ I’m not sure what is going on with the business as one of the partners is doing …
⦁ How can I bring on this client or service if my partner keeps doing …
⦁ We’re all over the place with the business and don’t know what to do next.
⦁ We want to create more partners within the firm and not sure how to go about it
Have a united front
It is often said that too many chefs in the kitchen spoil the broth. Having more than one “leader” within a business, if they’re not united, can lead to mixed messages being given about the business and brand. Arguments can arise or debilitate a business due to the conflicts. DISC training and leadership coaching can accelerate positive progress.
We have the expertise in leadership and executive coaching to work with individuals within a partnership to create both a strong communication channel and effective business planning to help grow the business. The 4 M’s formula Method, Management, Momentum & Money is our proven approach to helping partnerships get beyond their internal struggles to create a great product or service to their client/customers so they can grow their business.
Why should you hire an executive coach?
As with any good relationship, challenges arise, and it is often a result of personality or business approach. Additionally, just because there are two or more people involved in a business doesn’t mean that any person has the background to create the foundation needed for the business to grow. An executive coach has neutrality and wants the team to succeed. Partners often start their business and then find themselves overwhelmed. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy or that any partner isn’t “pulling their weight”. Through executive and leadership coaching we have worked with many partnerships to develop clear lines of communication and business tasks while helping them create strong business plans to take their business to the next level
12 benefits of executive coaching:
⦁ Partners to better understand each other’s approach
⦁ Create self-awareness and continual improvement
⦁ Reduce barriers to business growth
⦁ Develop a single brand that unites each partner’s vision
⦁ Be accountable and clear about goals
⦁ Identify blind spots
⦁ Gain strategic focus and create opportunities
⦁ Feel more accomplished
⦁ See return on investment
⦁ Objectively work through decision making
⦁ Validate skills and abilities
⦁ Strengthen leadership skills and elevate those around you
Executive Coaching is not about admitting that you are not capable of doing something. It is about recognizing that you could be even better with business skills if the time is taken to invest in it. This is true for partnerships more than any other type of business. Partnership with leadership coaching focuses on helping individuals understand each other, gain better insight into their business, and create a solid foundation to move the business forward.
What to look for in an executive coach: The right match is key to the success of the executive coaching experience. Without it, the trust required for optimal partnership performance will not develop.
⦁ Identify a coach who you feel a good connection to and can relate to the business. Having a trust, comfort level ensures maximum success.
⦁ Someone that will push you and your partner while holding each of you accountable. They shouldn’t just be agreeing with everything said, instead, pushing you out of your “comfort” level with support to pursue the business mission.
⦁ Make sure the executive coach hired is experienced, continually learning, and currently successful as well as up to date with the latest trends. Past experience alone is not enough in this fast-paced world we live in. Ensure they’re keeping in touch with current information.
Partnerships often feel that their work together will be strong enough to get them past challenges. However, it is amazing how many challenges can arise, especially through personality differences. A good executive coach knows how to create great communication channels while also establishing good foundational blocks for the business. Learn about Go Far Consulting’s exclusive 4 M’s technique to help the partnership grow. Schedule your consultation today by calling 510-326-0763.