Plan It, Do It, Finish It Virtual Program

How many times do we start something and never finish it?
Do you procrastinate because you are overwhelmed?
Do these words sound familiar? “sometime” “tomorrow” “where do I begin?’ “I’ll get around to it”
What might seem as an impossible dream can be achieved when we Plan It, Do It and Finish It together. Is there an idea or vision and you don’t know where to begin?
Does not ‘knowing how’ hold you back?
What’s on your bucket list?

This 6-week interactive workshop is the most focused, action oriented, get it done time you’ll spend in a concentrated Boot Camp for planning, getting projects started, being in action and getting it done. We will plan it, do it, and finish it!
The ultimate road map to stop procrastinating and finish projects 💯

About the program:
• Define a starting point
• Develop vision and turn it into positive action
• Prioritize what’s most important
• Plan out projects or tasks that want to be achieved
• Discuss strategies to get results
• Understand strengths and discoveries
• Create practical techniques for effective self-management
• Build a personal, customized action plan
• Learn how to stay motivated
• Recognize derailment and getting back on track
• Acknowledge & celebrate success
• All of the above and more

$149 for the 6-week interactive virtual workshop
Register using the above ticket link
All meetings will be recorded. If unable to attend, this gives the opportunity to fit it in a busy schedule or revisit it.
📆 Date: Wednesdays Sept. 16 – Oct 21, 2020: 4pm – 5pm
📍 Where: Virtual – Zoom

See What Others Say…

It was helpful creating a plan and motivates me to follow through and the accountability will reinforce that process too. What I like most about the workshop was being able to do activities as it applies to each of us individually learning the mind map technique really helps clarify priority tasks
Elaine helped me think of things that I really want not just what I should be doing. Quantifying those goals and breaking them down into bite size pieces makes them more attainable. Thanks
The program was excellent, very useful, the material was applicable and very good content. The class gave me the tools to be more organized and allowed me to start preparing to be more successful
I gained a clear view of business essentials , there were useful visuals to transfer important information
The workshop helped bring ‘laser focus’ to goal setting
The workshop was fabulous, I loved listening to Elaine’s material

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