In observance of our Veterans, who fought for us this day, The suffering, pain, tragedy that’s met along the way. Who shed their blood in service, for freedom and our rights, With endurance, bravery, through long and endless nights. In honor of our heroes, we recognize, give thanks, Who came from many walks of life, and many different ranks.
In honor we salute you, respectfully embraced, The cost of life you gave so dear, and the grief that kin folks faced. For coming home, transitioning, with eyes of different view, Finding purpose, gratitude, and facing life anew. The courage and persistence, to go where others fear, Is gratefully acknowledged, on Veteran’s Day each year.
To mark the day that war did end, and thankful to bring peace, 11th month, 11th day, to recognize war’s cease. Where enemies laid down their arms, fallen military foes, The fighting and destruction, that brought so many woes. Victory brought freedom, and chance to build, restart, To recognize Vets with medals, including Purple Heart.
Danville’s designation, of National Purple Heart Award, For commitment to our Veterans, who fought for home abroad. Take a moments silence, a moment to reflect,That Veterans are important, and deserve utmost respect. Shake hands with all our heroes, recognize that they gave more,Let’s strive for peace and freedom, as the last resort is war.